Worried about losing the things saved with [Ctrl+C] ? Not anymore, Clipboard Monitor will keep track of them. If you want to use them for the future just click on the item, Ctrl+C and then you can Paste them anywhere you want.
Take screenshots with the application using PrintScreen button. Before using it, set a folder for the screenshots to save into. Also from the systray menu you can open that folder.
The path for the directory where the screenshots will be saved is written into a ini file. Use Ctrl+Alt+O to open the picture taken. Not recommended when playing games.
The path for the directory where the screenshots will be saved is written into a ini file. I forgot to mention that is it updated when the app is closed, sometime will not work due to restart of the computer or something like that. So from now, when a directory is chosen it is already written to the ini file.
The picture file is changed from Screenshot_ to cyeclimoSS_. The name of the image file contains the number of the month in order for the months to be ordered.
//objective for the application: taking screenshots from games will be more easy.